LPPs and CAPs compared


This table sets out the differences between community-led action plans Local Place Plans.

Local Place Plans & Community-led Action Plans
A comparison guide
Community-led action plan Local place plan
Community decides what area the plan will cover Yes Yes
Will be taken into consideration when the local development plan is created At the planning authority’s discretion Yes
Will be taken into consideration when planners make decisions on planning applications At the planning authority’s discretion At the planning authority’s discretion
The plan is community-led Yes Yes
Can be developed by a community council Yes Yes
Can be developed by a community group that meets the definition of a “community-controlled” body as set out in Part 3 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 Yes Yes
Can be developed by any community body that is trusted by the local community Yes Has to be a community council or legally defined “community-controlled body”
Identifies community needs around spaces and places Yes Yes
Identifies other community needs beyond places and spaces Yes Can be included in the plan, but is not part of its statutory function
Contains a delivery plan Yes Can be included in the plan, but is not part of its statutory function