Scottish Co-production Network

The Scottish Co-production Network is a way for people to share ideas and learning about co-production.

Co-production is a way for those who run public services and those who use them, to come together to make the most their own skills and ideas to improve how services work.

The Network was created in 2012 and has more than 1,200 members who contribute their views and ideas about how co-production can become the way Scottish public services work.

The Network’s main activity includes:

  • Hosting learning events where people can share their learning and experiences

  • Publication of materials and resources

  • Promotion of co-production in Scotland Support dialogue and advance co-production approaches in Scotland

At SCDC, we manage the Scottish Co-production Network as one of our programmes, with support with from the Scottish Government.

Through our work with the Network we have gained significant skills and experience around co-productive approaches, and have knowledge of co-production examples and case studies from across Scotland.

Find out more at

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