There is a new variant of COVID 19 called Omicron. The new variant is transmitting rapidly within Scotland and there is strong evidence that community transmission is widespread.
The rapid rise in Omicron infections could put significant additional pressure on hospitals and other health and care services, close to the point in the winter when they are already likely to be at peak pressure.
The number of cases could potentially cause great disruption to services as more people are forced to self-isolate. Therefore, we all need to do what we can to comply with the guidance and help reduce the risk.
More information on Omicron is available here
Because of this some aspects of the guidance on COVID in Scotland have changed from 14th of December 2021.
What this means for community based services
As people organising community services, you have a particular responsibility to help people to get support, but avoid catching the virus themselves, or passing it on to others.
The government is asking people to be more careful when in contact with each other, wherever they may be. The main change is that you are advised to limit the amount of social contact people have with other households to reduce the rate that the virus spreads. The government guidance asks that no more than 3 households gather together at one time.
You are advised to postpone non-essential things, like works Christmas parties. This also means that any community organisations organising social events over the holiday season should consider postponing these, especially if these are planned to take place indoors. While this may be disappointing for many people, it’s far better than getting COVID 19 for Christmas.
Some communities want to provide face to face services to vulnerable people in greatest need those who need them most to combat social isolation and other harms of COVID 19. It is still possible to support them safely in line with government guidance on what is permitted and good practice advice covering issues like physical distancing. But even these services should be delivered with minimal social contact between households wherever possible for now. This link to our advice on dealing with risk be helpful. Please keep using these links to keep up to data with any more specific advice which may be published during the holiday period so please remember the following
To help protect yourself and others: