NPF 2024 changes

The proposed changes to the National Outcomes are summarised below. You can download the full parliamentary report here.

  • Care. This has been added to recognise paid and unpaid care in the National Outcomes as essential aspects of social and economic wellbeing.

  • Children and Young People. The definition of this Outcome has changed to reflect that being loved, safe and respected are positive outcomes in their own right.

  • Climate Action. This has been added to better align with the Sustainable Development Goals and address the urgency and scale of the climate crisis which impacts wellbeing of people and planet.

  • Communities. This Outcome has a slightly revised definition to include ‘connected’. This emphasises the important role of transport and digital connectivity to the wellbeing of communities.

  • Culture. This Outcome has not been revised. Consultation evidence has been reflected in the long description.

  • Wellbeing Economy and Fair Work. This Outcome brings together the former Economy and Fair Work and Business Outcomes. This streamlines the Outcomes.

  • Education and Learning. This Outcome has been revised to emphasise the significance of all forms of learning, throughout life.

  • Environment. The definition of this Outcome has been revised to reflect the need to proactively restore the natural environment.

  • Equality and Human Rights. This Outcome has been revised to reference equality in the name. This improves alignment with the SDGs as well as ensuring equality has a specific focus as well as being mainstreamed through the National Outcomes.

  • Health. The definition of this Outcome has changed to better reflect the equal significance of physical and mental health for wellbeing.

  • Housing. This Outcome has been added as it is foundational to everyone’s wellbeing and is considered distinct from the other Outcomes.

  • International. This Outcome’s definition has been slightly reworded to broaden the scope from a focus on the relationships between nations (‘international’) to wider environmental and social factors (‘global’).

  • Reduce Poverty. The name of this Outcome has been changed to clarify that we are working towards a reduction in poverty.


CPAR 2 final shared learning sign up

The final shared learning session for CPAR will take place in May 2024 and is a chance to hear what other CPAR researchers have been finding out in their research and also share what you’ve been doing. Attending the event is a requirement of CPAR and is a great opportunity to practice talking about your research to others and to hear and share tips for taking your research forward.

We’d like you to sign up to one of the following days and times:

  • Monday 13th May 2-4pm

  • Tuesday 21st May 10am-12pm

Please use this form to say which date you can manage.

Note: it might be helpful for you to attend the same event as other researchers from your group/organisation. However, this isn’t essential.

Participation Request event - 15th May 2024 (9:30am - 3:30pm)