Climate policy timeline
Climate policy has developed and evolved over a number of years,. This timeline outlines how this has happened.
The climate change (Scotland) Act 2009 set out the requirement to have both national Climate Change Plans and Climate Adaptation Programmes.
In 2019, following Scottish Government’s declaration of a climate emergency, amendments to the original legislation were introduced through the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019. These amendments included the commitment to net zero emission of all greenhouse gases in Scotland by 2045 and the introduction of Just Transition principles.
The climate change plan spans a period of 14 years (2018-2032) and was updated (and amended) in 2020 to reflect the changes in legislation. It will still run until 2032.
Rolling Climate Adaptation Programmes have been in place since 2014 – legislation requires that such programmes are prepared as soon as reasonably practicable after each round of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment which includes a national summary for Scotland.
Adaptation programmes normally span approximately 5 years and in Scotland the next adaptation plan will run from 2024-29. It is currently under development and is scheduled to be launched later this year – information on the previous plan is here and information on the recent consultation for the next iteration (SNAP3) is here.
The Climate Change Plan for Scotland contains ambitious policies and proposals - the adaptation programmes are designed to support these. The Climate Change Plan as it stands includes over 200 policies and proposals. This in itself indicates what a busy landscape climate is becoming, one that is touching every sector and individual in society.
The update to legislation in 2019 also sets out a statutory requirement (and monitoring framework) for annual monitoring against the Climate Change Plan. This monitoring includes sector by sector reports on progress and the inclusion of matters relevant to a just transition. The most recent report was 2024
Due to fluctuations in global targets a further “Climate Change Targets Bill” is scheduled to be laid before parliament before the end of 2024. This will affect the dates of the Climate Change Plan. A updated climate change plan has been out for consultation – this update will extend the current plan and roll on to cover from 2024-2040.